La mesa que planteó Hora Clave el domingo era para analizar el discurso kirchnerista y formaban parte de ese debate Julio Bárbaro, Graciela Römmer, Laura Di Marco y el publicista Gabriel Dreyfuss quien por sus dichos terminó siendo el protagonista de la noche.
Consultado sobre su visión sobre el Gobierno nacional, Dreyfuss tuvo durísimos calificativos para con Cristina Kirchner a quien calificó de persona desequilibrada al tiempo que se ofreció para pasar el contacto con un buen psiquiatra.
Como si eso fuera poco, dijo que la diferencia entre Néstor y Cristina es que Néstor no estaba mal de la cabeza y que los argentinos estamos todos locos porque nos gobierna una mujer desequiliibrada a la que votó el 54 por ciento de la gente.
Y si lo anterior no alcanzó, el reconocido publicista sostuvo que así como nadie votó a Carlos Saúl, dentro de unos nadie nadie va a haber votado al kirchnerismo. De más está decir que el resto de los convidados a Hora Clave fustigaron sus dichos.
¿Qué pensás de los dichos de Dreyfuss? ¿Fueron exagerados o representa el pensamiento de muchos? ¿Está mal que hiciera público su pensamiento?
Monday, June 11, 2012
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Cala mano a mano con Eurnekian
Uno de las grandes incorporaciones que tuvo CNN en español a partir de su renovación fue la de Ismael Cala y su ciclo diario de entrevistas. La semana que pasó tuvo como invitado al empresario argentino Eduardo Eurnekian al que conocimos por su gran protagonismo en los años noventa con su Multimedios América donde aglutinó a América Tv, Radio América, El Cronista comercial, FM Aspen y Cablevisión.
Hacia finales del siglo XX se desprendió del negocio mediático y se consolidó como operador de los aeropuertos del país lo que le dio el know how suficiente para pegar el gran salto y gerenciar aeropuertos en Europa. De todo eso habló con Cala además de asegurarle que no pretende incursionar en política porque para ser un mal politico prefiero quedarme siendo un buen empresario.
También explicó que la acumulación de dinero en sí no representa nada sino que lo importante es para qué se tiene ese dinero al tiempo que señaló tres puntos claves para el éxito: insistencia, aprender de los errores y suerte. Sobre el último ítem dijo que se lo necesita en un 66 por ciento.
¿Qué te pareció la entrevista?
Hacia finales del siglo XX se desprendió del negocio mediático y se consolidó como operador de los aeropuertos del país lo que le dio el know how suficiente para pegar el gran salto y gerenciar aeropuertos en Europa. De todo eso habló con Cala además de asegurarle que no pretende incursionar en política porque para ser un mal politico prefiero quedarme siendo un buen empresario.
También explicó que la acumulación de dinero en sí no representa nada sino que lo importante es para qué se tiene ese dinero al tiempo que señaló tres puntos claves para el éxito: insistencia, aprender de los errores y suerte. Sobre el último ítem dijo que se lo necesita en un 66 por ciento.
¿Qué te pareció la entrevista?
John Merrow: Trust Teachers, But Verify Success
John Merrow: Trust Teachers, But Verify Success
A veteran education reporter reflects on four decades of covering America's schools.
John Merrow |
By Kristina Rizga,| Thu Aug. 4, 2011 2:10 PM PDT
In October 1988, a small group of education leaders came together to define the rules for what they hoped would become the "incubators" of influential ideas for improving public education. They called these new schools charters.Veteran education reporter John Merrow was in the room, chronicling the optimism of the moment, and he would keep following the charter-school story for the next two decades. The evolution of the charter-school movement, from its lofty original intentions to stubborn realities on the ground, is just one of hundreds of tales Merrow and his team pursued in the past four decades. Merrow, who has worked with PBS NewsHour since 1985, has a doctorate in education policy from Harvard and has written two books on education. His latest, The Influence of Teachers: Reflections on Teaching and Leadership, is a fascinating walk down the memory lane of education reform. It has deeply personal reflections on everything from "testing frenzy" and grading to paying teachers and preventing bullying. Unlike most books on K-12 education issues, which seems to be written for policy wonks rather than parents and students, Merrow’s gets to the heart of the matter with style and grace.
I caught up with Merrow to talk about The Influence of Teachers and his thoughts on improving schools.
Mother Jones: Since your book at its core is about excellent teachers, how would you define a great teacher?
John Merrow: A great teacher intuitively thinks "How is this child intelligent?" rather than "How intelligent is this child?" If I could give you just one catch phrase, that would be it.
MJ: Do you think the latest education reform efforts support that kind of teaching?
JM: No, we are moving backwards. No Child Left Behind has done a great deal of damage. According to Marshall Smith, who was the undersecretary of education [in the Clinton Administration] and a respected scholar, the testing has doubled in the years of NCLB. At the same time, there has been stagnation on the major national test, the National Assessment of Educational Progress. Testing is largely punitive. It's a "gotcha" game. We are disempowering teachers.
In the book I write about the battle between those who think that the problem is people, and if we just had better people, everything would be fine. The other side says, "No, we need to make teaching a better job." I've come down firmly on the side of the latter, where we need to make teaching a better job. This has to happen in lots of ways and everybody has to change.
JM: I am not arguing that truth is in the middle, because I think that the "better jobs" argument is far stronger. It is true that the teaching force is generally drawn from those who score in the bottom half academically. It is also true that the great deal of teacher training is not very good. The rewards for teaching are backloaded. You almost have to teach for 20 years before you can see significant rewards coming. Other countries don't do it that way. Other countries recruit from higher up in the academic pile. They spend a lot more time on the quality training, especially in the first year. And the pay is better at the front end. All of these things create a different kind of a teaching force, but also a system that trusts its teachers.
This is not in the book, but I think the wisdom of Ronald Reagan applies here when he said, "Trust but verify." He was talking about the Soviet Union, of course, but what we need is a system where we trust teachers, but we also have a way to verify what's going on. Right now we are moving away from trust toward mechanistic efforts to verify. Thirty sates now have legislation that either allows or requires that student test scores be used to evaluate pay and perhaps fire teachers. We clearly need ways to verify what's going on, but you can't have a system that is founded on a lack of trust. Years ago, we didn't have any way of verifying. We just trusted. On the one level, ironically, it worked, because women didn't have many options for careers. So, we had a ton of really smart, talented women in our classrooms. I'm in no way, of course, suggesting that we go back to that, but the side benefit of that was that we had teachers we trusted. What the teacher wrote on the report card was gospel. Nowadays, they don't even have a space for a teacher to write. Why should the teacher write, if no one will pay attention to it? We went from trust into a frenzy of verify.
MJ: Do you see any good examples of a healthy balance on the ground between trust and verification?
JM: Yes. I think there are schools where the premise is trust. The High Tech High in San Diego, founded by Larry Rosenstock, a brilliant educator, has that. Seattle had a system under [former superintendent] John Stanford where parents had choice. Schools had to compete for kids, dollars followed the kids, but the principal, usually working with faculty, got to chose the teachers. The unions waved the seniority and the teachers competed for jobs. Just because you taught for two years, it doesn't automatically mean that you get the job. I have to pass whatever hurdles the school itself has. They have to want me as well. The school then becomes an intentional community. The people who are there, want to be there. Once you want to be there, it’s a lot easier to set the goals, and work toward those goals, and be a part of a team.
MJ: Why do you think the debate among the two camps in education reform is so polarized?
JM: It's a function of a polarized society and this polarization didn't start [with], nor is it limited to, education. We are just a very badly polarized society. Witness this debt ceiling stuff. This is a blood sport for some of these bozos in Washington. There is also a lot more good news than gets reported, because polarization is what draws viewers and readers. Some of the left's bad guys are trying to get some collaboration going. And some of the right's bad guys are actively pursuing collaboration.
But not enough people are asking, "What do we want our children growing up to be, and be able to do?" Even most of the hard-ass business people would say, "We'd like our children to be tax-paying, law-abiding citizens who will contribute to the quality of life." They don't just want workers who will show up on time and do what they tell them to do. But we don't have that conversation. If we were asking these questions, the next question would be, "What activities at the school point in that direction?" I think if you ask that question honestly, the answer will be, "Working together whether it's as a team, or projects in class with students." That promotes that kind of behavior and growth. I know President Obama has a lot of other stuff to do, but I thought that he'd lead that kind of a conversation.
MJ: How should President Obama lead the conversation?
JM: I don't have a great deal of faith in Washington. I think it could happen at the state level. Maybe a state like Tennessee, Delaware, Rhode Island. Perhaps these states could have a conversation, and here is what I would do: Let's have a point system for every school, and let's say to stay open a school has to be at 15 points. Then you tell the community, "You get points for having vibrant programs." So you ask, "What programs do you want, community?" Some might want project-based learning. Some might want 30 minutes of recess. Others might say they want uniforms, more languages, more science, more art. But that wouldn't be enough to keep it open. The school also has to score on the state test. It has to score at least three points out of say total of five. So, you couldn't get the maximum score without passing the tests, and you couldn't stay open just because you have all of these great, touchy-feely programs. I think in this system, you have both "trust" and "verify." You are asking the community for their input, and asking the school to pass a test. But it would take leadership to say, "Let's put aside labels. What kind of experiences do want our kids to have?"
MJ: What do you think is an appropriate level of parent engagement? How can parents avoid becoming high-pressure helicopters?
JM: Race to Nowhere documentary was a grim, unrelenting movie about that and it was heartfelt. But I think that the situation it describes probably applies to about 10 percent of our kids. I think with 90 percent of our kids we don't ask enough of. I think schools have made a huge error in pushing parents away. Just leave your kid and money at the door. Parents are the primary educators of their kids. Schools have these artificial structures, like parent involvement committees. Instead, what I think we should do is, starting in kindergarten, the homework should involve parents. The first grade teachers could say, "We'll be learning show and tell. I want you to go and ask your parent or grandparent to tell you about the first movie they remember seeing. Next week go ask your guardian about the first time they took a train and write about it a paragraph." The parent is going to want to read that. They'll want to see what the teacher said about it. The kids are more engaged because it relates to their lives. You are creating this natural quilt where the parent understands the connection to his or her child's learning. And the teacher gets to know the parents. I often hear from teachers that parents don't care. Some teachers need to acknowledge a partnership.
MJ: What's on your mind with the new school year approaching?
JM: People are predicting the worst. All of these teachers are being laid off, and classes are getting larger. I was blogging this morning about how I hope teachers can get beyond cursing the darkness and cursing their enemies. And this denigration of teachers has got to stop. It's really why I wrote the book.
John Merrow: A great teacher intuitively thinks "How is this child intelligent?" rather than "How intelligent is this child?" If I could give you just one catch phrase, that would be it.
MJ: Do you think the latest education reform efforts support that kind of teaching?
JM: No, we are moving backwards. No Child Left Behind has done a great deal of damage. According to Marshall Smith, who was the undersecretary of education [in the Clinton Administration] and a respected scholar, the testing has doubled in the years of NCLB. At the same time, there has been stagnation on the major national test, the National Assessment of Educational Progress. Testing is largely punitive. It's a "gotcha" game. We are disempowering teachers.
In the book I write about the battle between those who think that the problem is people, and if we just had better people, everything would be fine. The other side says, "No, we need to make teaching a better job." I've come down firmly on the side of the latter, where we need to make teaching a better job. This has to happen in lots of ways and everybody has to change.
I think the wisdom of Ronald Reagan applies here when he said, “Trust but verify.” What we need is a system where we trust teachers, but we also have a way to verify what’s going on.
MJ: In the chapter where you discuss the battle between these two camps—"better people" versus "better jobs"—my takeaway was that there were limitations to both analyses. It seemed that you wanted to merge these two approaches more.JM: I am not arguing that truth is in the middle, because I think that the "better jobs" argument is far stronger. It is true that the teaching force is generally drawn from those who score in the bottom half academically. It is also true that the great deal of teacher training is not very good. The rewards for teaching are backloaded. You almost have to teach for 20 years before you can see significant rewards coming. Other countries don't do it that way. Other countries recruit from higher up in the academic pile. They spend a lot more time on the quality training, especially in the first year. And the pay is better at the front end. All of these things create a different kind of a teaching force, but also a system that trusts its teachers.
This is not in the book, but I think the wisdom of Ronald Reagan applies here when he said, "Trust but verify." He was talking about the Soviet Union, of course, but what we need is a system where we trust teachers, but we also have a way to verify what's going on. Right now we are moving away from trust toward mechanistic efforts to verify. Thirty sates now have legislation that either allows or requires that student test scores be used to evaluate pay and perhaps fire teachers. We clearly need ways to verify what's going on, but you can't have a system that is founded on a lack of trust. Years ago, we didn't have any way of verifying. We just trusted. On the one level, ironically, it worked, because women didn't have many options for careers. So, we had a ton of really smart, talented women in our classrooms. I'm in no way, of course, suggesting that we go back to that, but the side benefit of that was that we had teachers we trusted. What the teacher wrote on the report card was gospel. Nowadays, they don't even have a space for a teacher to write. Why should the teacher write, if no one will pay attention to it? We went from trust into a frenzy of verify.
MJ: Do you see any good examples of a healthy balance on the ground between trust and verification?
JM: Yes. I think there are schools where the premise is trust. The High Tech High in San Diego, founded by Larry Rosenstock, a brilliant educator, has that. Seattle had a system under [former superintendent] John Stanford where parents had choice. Schools had to compete for kids, dollars followed the kids, but the principal, usually working with faculty, got to chose the teachers. The unions waved the seniority and the teachers competed for jobs. Just because you taught for two years, it doesn't automatically mean that you get the job. I have to pass whatever hurdles the school itself has. They have to want me as well. The school then becomes an intentional community. The people who are there, want to be there. Once you want to be there, it’s a lot easier to set the goals, and work toward those goals, and be a part of a team.
MJ: Why do you think the debate among the two camps in education reform is so polarized?
JM: It's a function of a polarized society and this polarization didn't start [with], nor is it limited to, education. We are just a very badly polarized society. Witness this debt ceiling stuff. This is a blood sport for some of these bozos in Washington. There is also a lot more good news than gets reported, because polarization is what draws viewers and readers. Some of the left's bad guys are trying to get some collaboration going. And some of the right's bad guys are actively pursuing collaboration.
But not enough people are asking, "What do we want our children growing up to be, and be able to do?" Even most of the hard-ass business people would say, "We'd like our children to be tax-paying, law-abiding citizens who will contribute to the quality of life." They don't just want workers who will show up on time and do what they tell them to do. But we don't have that conversation. If we were asking these questions, the next question would be, "What activities at the school point in that direction?" I think if you ask that question honestly, the answer will be, "Working together whether it's as a team, or projects in class with students." That promotes that kind of behavior and growth. I know President Obama has a lot of other stuff to do, but I thought that he'd lead that kind of a conversation.
MJ: How should President Obama lead the conversation?
JM: I don't have a great deal of faith in Washington. I think it could happen at the state level. Maybe a state like Tennessee, Delaware, Rhode Island. Perhaps these states could have a conversation, and here is what I would do: Let's have a point system for every school, and let's say to stay open a school has to be at 15 points. Then you tell the community, "You get points for having vibrant programs." So you ask, "What programs do you want, community?" Some might want project-based learning. Some might want 30 minutes of recess. Others might say they want uniforms, more languages, more science, more art. But that wouldn't be enough to keep it open. The school also has to score on the state test. It has to score at least three points out of say total of five. So, you couldn't get the maximum score without passing the tests, and you couldn't stay open just because you have all of these great, touchy-feely programs. I think in this system, you have both "trust" and "verify." You are asking the community for their input, and asking the school to pass a test. But it would take leadership to say, "Let's put aside labels. What kind of experiences do want our kids to have?"
MJ: What do you think is an appropriate level of parent engagement? How can parents avoid becoming high-pressure helicopters?
JM: Race to Nowhere documentary was a grim, unrelenting movie about that and it was heartfelt. But I think that the situation it describes probably applies to about 10 percent of our kids. I think with 90 percent of our kids we don't ask enough of. I think schools have made a huge error in pushing parents away. Just leave your kid and money at the door. Parents are the primary educators of their kids. Schools have these artificial structures, like parent involvement committees. Instead, what I think we should do is, starting in kindergarten, the homework should involve parents. The first grade teachers could say, "We'll be learning show and tell. I want you to go and ask your parent or grandparent to tell you about the first movie they remember seeing. Next week go ask your guardian about the first time they took a train and write about it a paragraph." The parent is going to want to read that. They'll want to see what the teacher said about it. The kids are more engaged because it relates to their lives. You are creating this natural quilt where the parent understands the connection to his or her child's learning. And the teacher gets to know the parents. I often hear from teachers that parents don't care. Some teachers need to acknowledge a partnership.
MJ: What's on your mind with the new school year approaching?
JM: People are predicting the worst. All of these teachers are being laid off, and classes are getting larger. I was blogging this morning about how I hope teachers can get beyond cursing the darkness and cursing their enemies. And this denigration of teachers has got to stop. It's really why I wrote the book.
Ed Fagan, Disbarred Attorney Who Represented Rubber Room Teachers In a Case Where He Got Everybody Terminated at 3020-a, Tries To Represent Czech Plaintiffs in Florida Court
Former Attorney for rubber room teachers, now disbarred (and 99% of the Plaintiffs fired) Ed Fagan tries to represent as an Attorney several Czech clients who want their art work returned. The Florida judge says "no way is this going to happen - get a lawyer".
Edward Fagan Begs the New Jersey Supreme Court To Allow Him to Keep His License
Sanctioned Attorney Nicholas Penkovsky Tries To Resurrect His "Rubber Room" Case in New York State Court of Appeals, Loses Again
New Jersey Attorney Ethics Committee Recommends the Permanent Disbarment of Attorney Edward Fagan
Con Man and Snake Oil Salesman Ed Fagan Tries To Shut Down, Lewenstein Serves Subpoena on Gizella Weisshaus
Edward Fagan - Wikipedia
Disbarred Attorney Ed Fagan Tries To Represent Czech Plaintiffs
from Betsy Combier:
My question is this: Why dont people research their lawyers before hiring them? See articles at the end of the TPMMuckraker post.
My question is this: Why dont people research their lawyers before hiring them? See articles at the end of the TPMMuckraker post.
Disgraced Lawyer Attempts Return To World Of Nazi Art Theft
Ed Fagan, the lawyer who once won big settlements for Holocaust survivors and South African apartheid victims and was later disbarred in New York and New Jersey, is attempting a comeback. Kind of.
In April, Fagan filed a lawsuit in a U.S. District Court in Florida on behalf of the Victims of Holocaust Art Theft against the Czech Republic, the National Gallery in Prague, and the Museum of Decorative Arts of Prague. The suit seeks the recovery of valuable artwork owned by Richard and Regina Popper, prominent Czech-Jewish art collectors who were deported from Prague to the Lodz Ghetto, where they were killed in early 1940s.
This week, U.S. District Judge James I. Cohn in Florida wrote an order stating that the case cannot proceed without a proper attorney involved.
The April complaint said that Victims of Holocaust Art Theft “is a business registered in Florida and in this judicial district, is an owner of certain interests in The Popper Collection, [and] is a limited partner with and has limited but express authority [of] Michal Klepetár, one of The Popper Heirs.” It also said that the group’s formation “is the result of agreements, cooperation and partnering between / of Edward D. Fagan and Michal Klepetár.” In his order this week, Cohn wrote that although it is clear Fagan filed the complaint as a “pro se” representative of the group, a licensed attorney is required to represent corporations, partnerships, or associations in federal court.
“If no attorney appears on Plaintiff’s behalf by [July 5, 2012], the Court will dismiss this action without prejudice and close the case,” Cohn wrote.
Fagan was disbarred in New York in 2008, and in New Jersey in 2009, for misappropriating client funds. Last month, Fagan exchanged emails with The South Florida Sun Sentinel about his new case.
“I am not the Ed Fagan of years ago, about whom some people complained, and on whom other people gave accolades. They took my license, but not my brains,” Fagan wrote from Prague. “I am very proud of what I am now doing and hopefully I can be judged by who I am and what I am doing today — not based on the past.”
Fagan did not return an email Thursday from TPM seeking comment.Edward Fagan Begs the New Jersey Supreme Court To Allow Him to Keep His License
Sanctioned Attorney Nicholas Penkovsky Tries To Resurrect His "Rubber Room" Case in New York State Court of Appeals, Loses Again
New Jersey Attorney Ethics Committee Recommends the Permanent Disbarment of Attorney Edward Fagan
Con Man and Snake Oil Salesman Ed Fagan Tries To Shut Down, Lewenstein Serves Subpoena on Gizella Weisshaus
Edward Fagan - Wikipedia
- ^ a b c Matter of Edward D. Fagan, M-2732, M-3148, M-3193. Supreme Court. Appellate Division. First Judicial Department. Retrieved on October 15, 2009
- ^ a b c d e f g Walder, Noeleen G. (December 12, 2008). "Lawyer Disbarred for Failing to Pay Sanctions, Fees in Holocaust Case". New York Law Journal. Retrieved on October 15, 2009.
- ^ a b c d Fuchs, Mary (June 24, 2009). "Lawyer Edward Fagan is disbarred in N.J. for misusing Holocaust victims' funds". New Jersey Real-Time News. Retrieved on October 14, 2009.
- ^ Rostron, Bryan (August 12, 2002). "The business of apartheid". New Statesman. Retrieved on January 31, 2010.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j Meier, Barry (September 8, 2000). "An Avengers Path: A Special report.; Lawyer in Holocaust Case Faces Litany of Complaints". New York Times. Retrieved on October 15, 2009.
- ^ a b c d Ross, Brian (September 8, 2000). "Holocaust Claims Lawyer Accused". ABCNEWS. Retrieved on October 15, 2009.
- ^ Original Letters. Fagan. Lieberman. Re: Attorney Ethics Complaint by Gizella Weisshauss.
- ^ Kleiderman, Alex (August 23, 2004). "The vexed question of paying for slavery". BBC. Retrieved on October 15, 2009.
- ^ "Swiss jeer apartheid claim lawyer". CNN, June 17, 2002. Retrieved on October 15, 2009.
- ^ "Workers Sue Companies Over Apartheid". New York Times, April 6, 2003. Retrieved on October 15, 2009.
- ^ Shah, Saeed (April 5, 2003). "South African mining giants face $6bn law suit". The Independent. Retrieved on October 15, 2009.
- ^ Schonbrun DeSimone Seplow Harris & Hoffman LLP. Apartheid Case. Documents. 2007. Retrieved on October 15, 2009.
- ^ Association of Holocaust Victims for Restitution of Artwork & Masterpieces, a/k/a "AHVRAM" v. Bank Austria Creditanstalt, No. 04 Civ. 3600.
- ^ Maull, Samuel. Lawyer for Holocaust victims disbarred. The Associated Press. November 12, 2008.
- ^ "Slave descendants to sue Lloyd's". BBC News, March 29, 2004. Retrieved on October 15, 2009.
- ^ Australian Associated Press. "Victims to sue over Asian tsunami". The Sydney Morning Herald, March 6, 2005.[dead link]
- ^ Pancevski, Bojan (November 20, 2006). "Villagers to sue 'Borat'". LA Times. Retrieved on October 15, 2009.
- ^ Associated Press (December 5, 2006). "NYC Judge Questions Viability Of Villagers' 'Borat' Lawsuit". Retrieved on October 15, 2009.
- ^ Lin Anthony (August 12, 2004). "Personal Injury Client Wins Malpractice Award Against Holocaust Victims' Lawyer". New York Law Journal. Archived from the original on September 30, 2007.
- ^ "Holocaust-Entschädigung: Schwere Vorwürfe gegen Star-Anwalt Fagan". Der Spiegel, February 18, 2005.
- ^ a b Popper, Nathaniel (October 7, 2005). "Holocaust Lawyer Fights Accusation He Hired Underage Austrian Hooker". The Forward. Archived from the original on June 22, 2008.
- ^ Klenk, Florian (September 9, 2005). "Mit Vollendung? Die Callgirlaffäre erreicht das Parlamen (German)". Der Falter. Retrieved on October 15, 2009.
- ^ Nachrichten, Salzburger (September 4, 2005). "Fagan soll unter Freiern in Callgirl-Affäre sein" (German). Salzburger Nachrichten. Retrieved on October 15, 2009.
- ^ "Callgirl-Ring: Ed Fagan weist Vorwürfe zurück" (German). Österreichischer Rundfunk, September 4, 2005. Retrieved on October 15, 2009.
- ^ "Callgirl-Ring: Prominenten Freiern drohen Ermittlungen" (German). Österreichischer Rundfunk, August 31, 2005. Retrieved on October 15, 2009.
- ^ "§ 207b Sexueller Missbrauch von Jugendlichen". Strafgesetzbuch (StGB): Besonderer Teil: Zehnter Abschnitt (German). University Salzburg. Retrieved on October 15, 2009.
- ^ Covaleski, John (January 20, 2005). "Ethics Charges Leveled at Lawyer Who Fostered Holocaust Settlement". New Jersey Law Journal. Archived from the original on September 30, 2007.
- ^ "Lawyer's 'hero' image tarnished".[dead link]
- ^ Covaleski, John (January 20, 2005). "Ethics Charges Leveled at Lawyer Who Fostered Holocaust Settlement." New Jersey Law Journal.
- ^ Weimar, Carrie (March 22, 2007). "Holocaust lawyer eyes bankruptcy". St. Petersburg Times. Retrieved on October 15, 2009.
External links
- Case of Ed Fagan
- Holocaust Lawyer Fights Accusation He Hired Underage Austrian Hooker
- Con Man and Snake Oil Salesman Ed Fagan Tries To Shut Down Lewenstein Serves Subpoena on Gizella Weisshaus
Saturday, June 9, 2012
First Department Approves Charter For Brooklyn Success Academy 3 in District 15
Matter of Norris v Walcott |
2012 NY Slip Op 22151 |
Decided on May 29, 2012 |
Supreme Court, New York County |
Moulton, J. |
Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law § 431. |
This opinion is uncorrected and subject to revision before publication in the printed Official Reports. |
Supreme Court, New York County
In the Matter of Melinda Norris, et al., Petitioners, Pursuant to Article 78, against Dennis Walcott, in his Official Capacity as Chancellor of the New York City Board of Education; The Board of Trustees of the State University of New York; and Brooklyn Success Academy 3 Charter School, Respondents. |
Peter H. Moulton, J.
Petitioners in this Article 78 proceeding seek declaratory and injunctive relief concerning the award of a school charter to respondent Brooklyn Success Academy 3 ("BSA 3"). Petitioners are parents of students who attend public schools in Community School District 15, the district where BSA 3 has been sited by the City's Department of Education ("DOE"). A number of petitioners have children in schools housed in the school building denominated K293, the building where the DOE has decided to "co-locate" BSA 3 with other schools.
It is undisputed that BSA 3's application for a charter indicated that it was seeking to place the school in Community School Districts 13 or 14, and that, after the issuance of the charter, the City's Department of Education gave the school space in Community School District 15. The three districts abut each other in Brooklyn.
Petitioners argue that this move to another Community School District requires a revision of BSA 3's charter.
However, petitioners' primary claim as stated in their proposed amended petition is that the Education Law mandates community input before a charter school may be approved. Petitioners assert that true community input for BSA 3 was not sought by BSA 3's parent organization. According to petitioners respondent Trustees of the State University of New York ("SUNY Trustees") blindly accepted BSA 3's representations 1) that it had performed conscientious community outreach, and 2) that this outreach showed that the relevant community was [*2]overwhelmingly supportive of the school. Petitioners characterize BSA 3's community outreach as feeble, bordering on a sham, and argue that the SUNY Trustees should have rejected the charter application on that ground.
As a threshold matter, respondent BSA 3 argues that petitioners do not have standing because they have failed to demonstrate any injury in fact that places them within the zone of interests protected by the Education Law. Petitioners respond that the Educational Impact Statement concerning BSA 3's co-location with other schools in Building K293 show that co-location will cause the building to reach 107% capacity in the 2014-15 school year. They also argue that they are part of the community that was allegedly ignored by BSA 3's outreach efforts, and that they were harmed by the failure of BSA 3 and the SUNY Trustees to take their views into account. BSA 3 also claims that petitioners' claims are time-barred.
On the merits, respondents argue that BSA 3's application materials showed more than sufficient community outreach and support for the school. Respondents argue that the siting of BSA 3 in Community School District 15 was caused by space constraints in school buildings in Community School Districts 13 and 14, and that no further amendment to the charter is required by law or regulation for this move to an adjacent community school district in the same borough.
Before the court are the following:
1) petitioners' original petition and the respondents' answers and various objections in point of law;
2) the intervention motion of various parents who wish to enter the lottery for BSA 3. The interveners are allied in interest with BSA 3 and are represented by the same counsel; and
3) petitioners' motion to file an amended petition and respondents' opposition to the motion.
The sequence of events that led to the issuance of a charter to BSA 3 is not in dispute and is summarized below.
On January 3, 2011, the Charter Schools Institute ("Institute"), an arm of The State University of New York ("SUNY), issued a request for proposals for 63 new charter schools in the state. The Institute serves as staff to the SUNY Trustees on matters pertaining to charter schools.
On February 28, 2011, BSA 3 submitted a joint application with two other schools, Brooklyn Success Academies 2 and 4, concerning proposed charter schools for Community School Districts 13 and 14. All three charter schools are managed by Success Academy Charter Schools ("Success Academy") a non-profit education organization that operates a network of charter schools in New York City. The application made a number of representations concerning outreach conducted by Success Academy to parents, office holders, and other stakeholders in Community School Districts 13 and 14. It attached over 1500 petitions for each of the three schools.
On May 26, 2011, respondent Dennis Walcott, Chancellor of the New York City Department of Education, recommended to the Institute that the charters for BSA 2-4 be granted. Chancellor Walcott also noted that there might not be room for all three schools in Community School Districts 13 and 14, and raised the possibility that one or more of the schools might have to be sited in "other contiguous districts."
On June 5, 2011, the Institute recommended the three schools for approval. The SUNY [*3]Trustees voted to approve the charters on June 15, 2011. On June 27, 2011, the SUNY Trustees posted on its website a notice of its approval. The SUNY Trustees issued provisional charters to the three schools on August 11, 2011. The Board of Regents approved the charters on September 13, 2011. As of that date, none of the schools had been assigned to a specific building. Thereafter, the Board of Regents posted online minutes from the meeting in which BSA 3's charter was approved.
On October 28, 2011, the Department of Education issued a public notice proposing to locate BSA 3 in building K293 in Community School District 15. Three schools currently occupy the building. The notice contained a link to the Educational Impact Statement, and also provided information concerning a public hearing on November 29, 2011, at which DOE's Panel for Educational Policy ("PEP") would take public input regarding the co-location of BSA 3 with the other three schools. The meeting went forward. Among the speakers and attendees at the meeting were parents of elementary school-aged children, elected officials, members of the Community Education Council, members of the School Leadership Team, and teachers.
On December 14, 2011, the DOE's governing body, the Panel on Educational Policy, voted to approve the co-location of BSA 3 at building K293 in Community School District 15. On January 25, 2012, the SUNY Trustees found that this decision was outside of its purview and did not require an amendment to BSA 3's charter. Petitioners assert that they subsequently attempted to appeal this decision, without success, to H. Carl McCall, the Chairman of the SUNY Trustees.
A.Petitioners' Motion to Amend the Petition
After oral argument on the original petition, and after the court had worked out a briefing schedule with the parties, petitioners moved to amend the petition. The proposed amended petition retains the claim in the original petition: that Education Law § 2852(7) requires that BSA 3 revise its charter before it can be sited in a Community School District other than the districts discussed in its charter application. However, the amended petition adds claims under Education Law §§ 2851(2)(q) and 2852(9-a)(b)(ii). In these new claims, petitioners assert that respondent SUNY Trustees unlawfully approved BSA 3's charter despite Success Academy's failure to seek true community input concerning BSA 3.
Leave to amend a pleading shall be "freely given" unless the proposed new claims are clearly without merit or the opposing parties can demonstrate prejudice or surprise. (CPLR 3025; see
Anoun v City of New York, 85 AD3d 694 [1st Dept 2011]; Eighth Ave. Garage Corp. v H.K.L Realty Corp., 60 AD3d 404 [1st Dept 2009].)
Anoun v City of New York, 85 AD3d 694 [1st Dept 2011]; Eighth Ave. Garage Corp. v H.K.L Realty Corp., 60 AD3d 404 [1st Dept 2009].)
The proposed new claims are not clearly without merit. They are based in specific sections of the Education Law and supported by facts set forth in the initial petition. There are few new facts alleged in the amended petition, and only one additional exhibit. Respondents have made no colorable claim of prejudice. The new claims are foreshadowed by the facts alleged in the initial petition. The claims mirror those asserted by another Article 78 proceeding naming the same respondents, challenging BSA 3's sister school, BSA 4. (Southside Community Schools Coalition v Brooklyn Success Academy 4 Charter School, Index No. 102054/12.)
Accordingly, the motion to amend the petition is granted.
B.Motion to Intervene [*4]
Intervener respondents are parents who reside in Community School District 15 who wish to send their children to BSA 3. Admission to the school will be by lottery, so at the time the motion was brought, none of the proposed interveners could be assured that they will be granted admission. There has been no indication from proposed interveners whether any of their children were subsequently admitted to BSA 3 since the date that the motion was fully submitted.
Petitioners oppose the intervention motion. They point out that proposed intervener respondents have not submitted a proposed answer to the petition. Petitioners also argue that the interveners have no right to attend BSA 3 and that they might not gain entrance via the lottery. Accordingly, petitioners argue, the proposed interveners are not "interested persons" who could be harmed by any delay in the school's opening. Finally, petitioners argue that the interveners have no cognizable defense in this Article 78 proceeding, which is a challenge to allegedly arbitrary and capricious or illegal agency action. The interveners do not share any defense with the SUNY Trustees, the DOE, or BSA 3, because the proposed interveners are individuals — not administrative agencies that must justify challenged action.
CPLR 7802(d) states that a court "may allow other interested persons to intervene in an Article 78 proceeding." A court has broader authority to allow intervention in an Article 78 proceeding pursuant to CPLR 7802(d) than it does in action pursuant to CPLR 1013, (See Greater Health Care Facilities Assn. v DeBuono, 91 NY2d 716 [1998]; Kruger v Bloomberg, 1 Misc 3d 192 [2003]; 14 Weinstein-Korn-Miller, New York Civil Practice, ¶ 7802.05.)
The proposed interveners' failure to provide a pleading is not fatal. Their positions are aligned with BSA 3's. They set forth their interest in their affidavits. Nothing more is required. (See Steglich v Bd. of Educ. of the City School Dist. of the City of New York, 32 Misc 3d 1203[A] [2011].)
Petitioners are correct that respondents' decision to grant BSA 3 a charter will stand or fall depending on whether respondent SUNY Trustees properly found that BSA 3 conducted sufficient community outreach before submitting its application, and on whether respondents properly allowed the siting of BSA 3 in Community School District 15. If respondents cannot demonstrate these actions were rational and in compliance with law, it does not matter that interveners wish to send their children to BSA 3.
On the other hand it is clear that the proposed interveners are interested in the timely opening of BSA 3. Even if their interest is contingent before the results of the lottery are known, these interveners seek to give voice to the desires of parents who seek to send their children to BSA 3. Therefore, they put a human face to the bureaucratic decision-making that is at issue in this case. The Education Law requires a charter school applicant like Success Academy to seek input from stakeholders in the relevant community. (Education Law § 2852(9-a)(b).) No less than the petitioners, the proposed interveners are stakeholders. Accordingly, the motion to intervene is granted.
C.Threshold Defenses
The respondents raise two threshold defenses: lack of standing and statute of limitations.
BSA 3 challenges petitioners' standing to bring this Article 78 proceeding. It argues that [*5]petitioners have articulated no harm to them if the school opens. Therefore, BSA 3 argues, petitioners can state no injury in fact. BSA 3 also argues that petitioners are not within the "zone of interests" protected by the Education Law sections invoked by petitioners.
"[A] party has standing to enforce a statutory right if its abuse will cause him injury and it may fall within the zone of interests' protected by the legislation." (Schwartz v Morgenthau, 7 NY3d 427, 432 [2006], quoting Matter of District Attorney of Suffolk County, 58 NY2d 436, 442 [1983].)
Respondents are correct that petitioners have no standing under Education Law § 2852(7)(b). That provision states:
When a revision of a charter involves the relocation of a charter school to a different school district, the proposed new school district shall be given at least forty-five days notice of the proposed relocation. In addition, the applicant shall provide an analysis of the community support for such relocation and of the projected programmatic and fiscal impact of the charter school on the proposed new school district of location and other public and nonpublic schools in the area.
Petitioners assert that the BSA 3's application stated that it was to be sited in Community School Districts 13 or 14, and that the SUNY Trustees granted the charter on that basis. Therefore, petitioners argue, the placement of BSA 3 in Community School District 15 requires that Success Academy undertake an analysis of "community support" in District 15. Petitioners state they are members of the relevant community.
This argument fails because Education Law § 2852(7)(b) refers to a new "school district" not a new "community school district." The School District of the City of New York encompasses all five boroughs. Section 2590-a of the Education Law defines "community districts" within the "city school district" of the City of New York. These districts are commonly called community school districts. When the Education Law means to specify a "community district" — as opposed to a school district — in the Education Law, it does so explicitly. For example, such a distinction is made in Education Law § 2854(2)(b).
The possibility that BSA 3 might be sited in a Community School District other than 13 or 14 is contemplated in its charter. The charter allows BSA 3 to be sited anywhere in Brooklyn, so long as the SUNY Trustees do not expressly disapprove the move.
Accordingly, as petitioners are not part of a "community" in a new school district within the meaning of Education Law § 2852(7)(b), they do not have standing under that section to challenge respondents' failure to require a new analysis of community support and a revision of BSA 3's charter.
Petitioners also invoke Education Law §§ 2851(2)(q), 2852(9-a)(b). According to petitioners these two provisions of the Education Law mandate that any charter school applicant gauge community support and opposition to a charter school, and assess the impact of a charter school on other schools in a given area. Petitioners argue that they were "silenced" by BSA 3's failure to properly solicit views of their community.
Education Law § 2851(2)(q) provides that a charter school applicant must provide:
Evidence of adequate community support for and interest in the charter school sufficient to allow the school to reach its anticipated enrollment, and an assessment of the projected programmatic and fiscal impact of the school on other public and nonpublic schools in the area. [*6]
This section contains two clauses. The first clause requires charter school applicants to gauge "adequate community support" to determine if the school can "reach its anticipated enrollment." This portion of the statute requires evidence of supportfor the school. Accordingly, petitioners — who are opposed to BSA 3 — are not within the zone of interests protected by this portion of the statute. As long as there is sufficient evidence of support — it does not matter what petitioners' views are.
In its second clause, the statute does not explicitly require respondents to consider the views of community residents in assessing "the projected programmatic and fiscal impact of the school on other public and nonpublic schools in the area." Respondents are directed to consider "the projected programmatic and fiscal impact of the school on other public and nonpublic schools in the area" but the statute does not direct respondents to any particular source of information. Petitioners allege that they are concerned about a diversion of resources, including school space, away from standard public schools and towards BSA 3. They allege that their views, and those of other opponents of BSA 3, were ignored by BSA 3. However, by its terms, § 2851(2)(q) does not confer standing on petitioners to raise this claim.
Petitioners state a similar claim under Education Law § 2852(9-a)(b). That section states in relevant part:
The board of regents and the board of trustees of the state university of New York shall each develop such request for proposals in a manner that facilitates a thoughtful review of charter school applications, considers the demand for charter schools by the community, and seeks to locate charter schools in a region or regions where there may be a lack of alternatives and access to charter schools would provide new alternatives within the local public education system that would offer the greatest educational benefit to students. Applications shall be evaluated in accordance with the criteria and objectives contained within a request for proposals. The board of regents and the board of trustees of the state university of New York shall not consider any applications which do not rigorously demonstrate that they have met the following criteria:
(ii) that the applicant has conducted public outreach, in conformity with a thorough and meaningful public review process prescribed by the board of regents and the board of trustees of the state university of New York, to solicit community input regarding the proposed charter school and to address comments received from the impacted community concerning the educational and programmatic needs of students.
Petitioners have standing under this section. "Community" is not a defined term in the Education Law. However, if this section concerning "community input" is to have any meaning, it must refer to input from residents of the very City neighborhood in which the charter school is to be sited, and from parents who send their children to the very school building where the charter school will be housed. Such people are the nucleus of the affected "community," however broadly that term is defined.
2.Statute of Limitations
As held above, the only statute under which petitioners have standing is Education Law § 2852(9-a)(b). The applicable limitations period for this Article 78 proceeding is four months. (CPLR [*7]217). The parties disagree concerning the date that the four month period began to accrue.
Respondents assert that petitioners' claims are barred because they were not brought until eight months after the SUNY Trustees approved BSA 3's charter on June 15, 2011. At the latest, respondents argue, the accrual date is the date that the decision was published on the website of the SUNY Charter Schools Institute, which was June 27, 2011. If either June 2011 date is the correct accrual date the petitioners' remaining claim is time-barred.
For their part, petitioners argue that the relevant accrual date is October 28, 2011, when the Department of Education first issued a public notice proposing to locate BSA 3 in building K293 in Community School District 15. According to petitioners it was at that point that they suffered their alleged injury, an injury that arose from respondents failing to solicit their views opposing BSA 3. Implicit in petitioners' argument is that the relevant "community" from which the SUNY Trustees were required to seek "input" is the community school district in which the school is to be sited. Until the school was sited, the argument goes, there was no "community" that could suffer an injury. Since this action was filed on February 14, 2012, the proceeding is timely if it accrued on October 28, 2011.
A petitioner may challenge an administrative decision pursuant to Article 78 when it is final and binding. (CPLR 217[1].) The accrual date for limitations purposes is often hotly disputed in Article 78 proceedings. It can be particularly difficult to determine the accrual date where, as is the case here, the petitioners were not parties to the challenged administrative decision and were not entitled to personal notice of the final decision. It is further complicated, as is the case here, where there is more than one administrative decision maker. The Court of Appeals has provided a two step inquiry that aids courts' analysis in such cases.
First the agency must have reached a definitive position on the issue that inflicts actual, concrete injury and second, the injury inflicted may not be prevented or significantly ameliorated by further administrative action or by steps available to the complaining party.
(Matter of Best Payphones, Inc. v Dep't of Information Technology and Telecom. of the City of New York, 5 NY3d 30, 34 [2005].)
(Matter of Best Payphones, Inc. v Dep't of Information Technology and Telecom. of the City of New York, 5 NY3d 30, 34 [2005].)
Additionally, petitioners must have some notice of the administrative decision they wish to challenge. (Metropolitan Museum Historic Dist. Coalition v De Montebello, 20 AD3d 28 [2005].) Public notice can come in a variety of forms, including public meeting (see Branch v Riverside Park Community LLC, 74 AD3d 634 [1st Dept 2010], lv denied 15 NY3d 710) or publication on the agency's website (see Town of Olive v City of New York, 63 AD3d 1416 [3rd Dept 2009]).
The timing of the alleged injury on petitioners in this proceeding is not straightforward. As noted above, petitioners assert that they suffered an injury when they discovered that the SUNY Trustees would allow the placement of BSA 3 in Community School District 15 without requiring sufficient outreach in Community School District 15. However, the statute invoked by petitioners, Education Law § 2852(9-a)(b)(ii), uses the term "community," it does not use the terms "community school district" or "community district." The "community" to be solicited under that section is thus broader than Community School District 15. Therefore the injury did not occur when the school was first proposed for Community School District 15.
Petitioners do not wish simply to speak against BSA 3; they seek to void its charter and keep it from opening. It is true that petitioners call for a vetting process that they say would reveal [*8]overwhelming community opposition to the school. But they seek such a vetting process for the purpose of convincing the SUNY Trustees that the school should not open at all. In their prayer for relief, petitioners seek an injunction that would permanently enjoin "respondent Brooklyn Success Academy 3 Charter School from opening, operating and maintaining [BSA 3] in School District 15 or any other community school district." (Emphasis supplied.)
Accordingly, the administrative action that allegedly inflicted harm on petitioners was the decision to allow BSA 3 to open. At first glance, the relevant decision would appear to be the decision to grant BSA 3's charter. This would appear to support respondents' argument that the relevant date for accrual of the four month limitations period is June 15, 2011, the day the SUNY Trustees voted to approve the charter.
However, as set forth in the Background section above, there was more administrative action after the June 15 vote. The final gatekeeper appears to have been the Board of Regents, an entity separate from the SUNY Trustees. The Board of Regents is not a party to this proceeding.
Pursuant to Education Law § 2852(5) the "charter entity," here, the SUNY Trustees, had to submit the proposed Charter Agreement to the Board of Regents for review. While the Board of Regents cannot reject the proposed charter, they are empowered to either approve the charter or to return the charter to the charter entity with comments for reconsideration. If the charter is returned the charter entity, the charter entity must consider the Board of Regents' comments.
Thereafter, the charter entity shall resubmit the proposed charter to the board of regents with modifications, provided that the applicant consents in writing to such modifications, resubmit the proposed charter to the board of regents without modifications, or abandon the proposed charter.
(Education Law § 2852[5-b].)
(Education Law § 2852[5-b].)
These sections of the Education Law contemplate an iterative process, short in duration, between the SUNY Trustees and the Board of Regents. While the Regents cannot reject a charter, under Education Law § 2852(5-b) their returning the charter to the charter entity (here the SUNY Trustees) can result in the charter entity abandoning the proposed charter. Therefore, the decision to grant a charter is not truly final until one of three events occurs: 1) the Regents approve a proposed charter, 2) the Regents take no action on a proposed charter for ninety days, in which case the charter is "deemed" approved (Education Law 2852(5-a); or 3) the charter entity (here the SUNY Trustees) resubmits the charter application to the Regents, at which point the Regents' approval is essentially a rubber stamp, with no further power to delay or alter the application.
BSA 3's charter became final under the first of the above scenarios. The operative date is September 13, 2011, the date the Board of Regents voted to approve BSA 3's charter. At that point, there was no further possibility that the charter might be abandoned by the SUNY Trustees.
The final question is: when did the Board of Regents or the respondents give notice of this final and binding decision? It appears that the Board of Regents' approval was publicly announced on the Regents' website on October 4, 2011.[FN1]Particularly as it came after a long public decision-[*9]making process, this notification was sufficient. (See Town of Olive v City of New York, 63 AD3d 1416, supra; Johns v Rampe, 23 AD3d 283 [1st Dept 2004], lv denied 6 NY3d 715 [2006]; Matter of Cohen v State of New York, 2 AD3d 522 [2d Dept 2003].) As this notice occurred more than four months prior to the date the initial petition was filed, this proceeding is time-barred.
Petitioners rely on Mulgrew v Bd. of Educ. of the School Dist. of the City of New York, (28 Misc 3d 204 [Sup Ct, New York County, aff'd 75 AD3d 412 [1st Dept 2010) in arguing that publication of a final decision on a website is insufficient. However, in Mulgrew the respondents did not adhere to a specific statutory requirements for filing educational impact statements. There is no similar statute here that requires a particular method of publicizing the Board of Regents' decision to the general public.[FN2]
For the reasons stated, this proceeding is barred by the applicable statute of limitations.
D.The Amended Petition
Even if this proceeding was not time-barred, on the merits respondents have demonstrated that the decision to grant a charter to BSA 3 was not arbitrary or capricious or in violation of Education Law § 2852(9-a)(b), the only statute that confers standing on petitioners.
Petitioners argue that Success Academy's community outreach was essentially a walk through a Potemkin Village of parents eager to send their children to BSA 3. According to petitioners, Success Academy falsely stated that there was no opposition to the school, when in fact such opposition was stated at a meeting with school representatives on April 14, 2011. Further, overwhelming opposition would have been expressed, petitioners imply, if only Success Academy had sought to conduct true community outreach in the relevant portions of Brooklyn that would be served by BSA 3. Instead, petitioners assert, BSA 3 conducted "community outreach" that was calculated to obscure the level of community opposition.
Petitioners correctly note that BSA 3's charter application does not address some of the suggestions of the guidelines that accompany the SUNY Trustees' request for proposals ("RFP"). The guidelines for the RFP seek "explicit support" for the proposed school from "community stakeholders or others" and state that "generic support for charter schools ... is not sufficient." Petitioners fault BSA 3 for invoking support for its existing schools, located elsewhere in the City, as having nothing to do with support for BSA 3. Petitioners also argue that Success Academy's petitions, which were signed by 4500 people, were too generic to provide any useful evidence that the relevant communities in Brooklyn were interested in the type of schools that Success Academy was planning. The petitions do not contain information suggested by the instructions for the RFP, [*10]such as whether the signatory has school-age children. Petitioners note that a number of signatures are from individuals who reside outside of Community School District 15. However, petitioners do not quantify this number. In any event, as noted above, the relevant "community" from which input must be solicited is greater than Community School District 15.
Petitioners correctly argue that the instructions for the RFP elaborate on section 2852(9-a)(b)(ii)'s requirement of community input. The instructions for the RFP include the following:
Per Education Law subdivision 2852(9-a)(b)(ii) the SUNY Trustees are not to consider any proposal that does not reflect a meaningful public review process designed to solicit community input regarding the proposed charter school and address comments received from the impacted community concerning the educational and programmatic needs of students. In order to recommend a school for approval, the [charter school application must demonstrate (1) the community was informed of the proposed school in a timely fashion; (2) the community had meaningful opportunities for input; and (3) there was a thoughtful process for considering community feedback and incorporating it into the final proposal.
Please note that seeking input about the proposal is distinct from seeking support for the proposed school. While the application must also show evidence of community interest in and support for the school, this support alone is not adequate in demonstrating that the community was given the opportunity to provide input into the design of the proposed school and that input was carefully considered by the applicant.
Petitioners state that Success Academy flouted this provision by failing to discuss in its proposal a single concern about the proposed school in the "impacted community." There does not appear to have been any input solicited concerning the "design" of the school.
Petitioners are correct that Success Academy could have engaged in a more thorough-going canvas of the relevant neighborhoods in Brooklyn to surface concerns and opposition to BSA 3. However, the statute does not require that charter applicants conduct such an exhaustive survey of support and opposition.
The community outreach required by the statute is weak. In the first place, as described above, the word "community" is not defined. This fact leaves to the SUNY Trustees a great deal of discretion in determining whose views must be taken into account. Additionally, the statute requires community input on the "educational and programmatic needs of students" without in any way suggesting how to solicit, organize or record such input. Finally, the statute does not bar the issuance of a charter even where the relevant community, however defined, mounts serious or even overwhelming opposition to a proposed school during the course of the public input required by Education Law § 2852(9-a)(b). Where the legislature wishes to create a more detailed process for community involvement in schools-related decision making, it has done so. The statute governing school co-location is an example. (See Education Law § 2853[3].)
It was not arbitrary and capricious for the SUNY Trustees to find that Success Academy complied with the community input requirements of Education Law § 2852(9-a)(b). The petitions, though they do not provide much detail about the nature of BSA 3, provide some evidence of interest. The application also recounts Success Academy's correspondence sent to elected officials and other interested parties in the area concerning plans to open the school. Success Academy [*11]officials attended community meetings with the community boards that serve the relevant communities, and the Education Councils for Districts 13 and 14. The SUNY Trustees are afforded deference in interpreting the Education Law provisions governing charter schools. (See Bd. of Educ. Of Riverhead Central Sch. Dist v Board of Regents, 301 AD2d 919; International High School: a Charter School at LaGuardia Community College v Mills, 276 AD2d 165.) The SUNY Trustees could rationally find that the level of community outreach exercised by Success Academy was sufficient to meet the very general requirements of Education Law § 2852(9-a)(b).
For the reasons stated, IT IS ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the petition is denied and this Article 78 proceeding is dismissed. This constitutes the decision and order of the court.
Date:May 29, 2012______________________
Date:May 29, 2012______________________
Footnote 1:The Memorandum accompanying the September 13, 2011 minutes is dated October 4, 2012. This cover memorandum and the minutes are part of the record of the companion case Southside Community Schools Coalition v Brooklyn Success Academy 4 Charter School, Index 102054/12. The memo and the minutes appear on the Regents' website at:
Footnote 2:Education Law § 2857(1) does impose some notification duties on the Board of Regents and the charter entity (SUNY Trustees). That section states in relevant part: "At each significant stage of the chartering process, the charter entity [here, the SUNY Trustees] and the board of regents shall provide appropriate notification to the school district in which the charter school is located and to the public and nonpublic schools in the same geographic area as the proposed charter school." Respondents are not among the groups entitled to notification under this section.
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